HTC Thunderbolt is often called as the most expensive smartphone if it is compared to other smartphone in this category. Thunderbolt that was distributed in the United States by Verizon was dismantled by the IHS iSuppli teardown Analysis Service. Prices of materials totaled EUR 262 or about US$ 2.2 million. According to iSuppli, the overall price of the material Android phone is the highest of all the smartphones that they had dismantled. Even at prices approaching the tablet components.
Compared to the iPhone 4 CDMA, for example, HTC Thunderbolt is more expensive components of Thunderbolt. The Costly of HTC Thunderbolt mainly due to the presence of the 4G LTE technology in it.
The latest generation iPhone five rumored iPhone also will have LTE technology. If so, Apple should spend more money on the sector component of such technology to bury the iPhone 5.
Recently, in May 2011, Verizon has officially confirmed that there is a HTC Thunderbolt software update. The data connectivity has been enhanced while using Verizon’s 3G network, SMS and MMS messaging bugs have been fixed, stability improvements have been applied to certain apps such as Facebook, Kayak, Yahoo Mail, and My Verizon, the weather widget now always displays an accurate location, and GPS fixes have been sped up.


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